Ryan HTML File Hub
HelloWorld File
- This is a page showcasing the basic tags of a barebones HTML site including a title and paragraphs.
Template File
- This is a template page containing the basic tags for the beginning of the construction of an HTML site.
Pictures File
- This is a page showcasing the header tags and also showing how to use images. There are three images on the page with captions.
Hobby File
- This is a page with multiple images and captions explaining tow of my most favorite hobbies, repairing phones and solving Rubik's Cubes.
Attributes File
- This is a page showcasing several different attributes of HTML. This includes the tab title, hyperlinks and hyperlinks within images.
MySpace File
- This is a page attempting to replicate the late MySpace pages. This page is a MySpace page all about a metal band member named "Jill."
Page 1 File
- This is the first of two pages showing how to go from one file/site to another file/site.
Page 2 File
- This is the second of two pages showing how to go from one file/site to another file/site.
Tier List File
- This is a tier list ranking death metal band members from S, A, B, C, D, and F.
Using Tables File
- This is a file to show how tables work.
Comic File
- This is a comic strip made by using tables in HMTL.
Life Hack File
- Satirical page copying the way WikiHow's page is layed out.
Styles And Stuff File
- This is a file showcasing the use of both an HTML file and a CSS file in the same folder.
Random Topic Page File
- This is a page to answer the random topic given to me which asks "what's your favorite season? Why?"